Friday 29 May 2015

Blog post 1

1. It means that the picture needs to have a good amount of lighting if there is too little it will be under exposed and really dark and if it’s too bright it will be overexposed and really washed out. If you are moving around a lot the picture will be out of focus and blurry so you want a focused picture you want to keep the camera steady.

 top left-undexposed
top right- overexposed
bottom left- out of focus
bottom right- well done

2.a) the little mountains mean landscape mode which automatically focuses on as much of the photo as possible because it is not a photo of one particular thing
b)the face means portrait mode and it auto focuses on the main thing and nothing else
c)the auto means automatic mode and it basically does everything for you so it uses the correct exposure and focuses for you
d)the P means program mode and it is like auto but if it gives you a little more control over things like flash