Thursday 19 March 2015

Elements Of Composition

Elements of Composition

       During this portfolio I learned a lot about the different functions on the camera and how they can help you and also work against you. I enjoyed the whole thing but I especially liked finding the perfect picture or the perfect angle because it is satisfying when you take a really good looking photo.
The most difficult part was figuring out how to work all of the functions on the camera because sometimes they would give me a picture that I didn't like so I would have to figure out how to fix it. My strongest photo would be the contrast one because it has nice bright colours and also shows the contrast between the orange sun and the blue sky. My weakest photo would be the colour one because it is not really exciting. There is not much interesting about it so I would call it the weakest. If I had extra time I would search for better pictures for each of the elements because some of them are not as good as I hoped so I would want to find pictures that are perfect examples of each element.